Jiacheng Ma (马嘉诚)

I am a senior software engineer at AMD. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, where I was advised by Prof. Baris Kasikci (now at the University of Washington). During my Ph.D., I founded and maintained CS Stipend Rankings, a website disliked by many.

Before UMich, I obtained a bachelor's degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I worked with Prof. Zhengwei Qi from Shanghai Key Laboratory of Scalable Computing and Systems and Dr. Yaozu Dong from Intel Open Source Technology Center. I also held internship positions at Intel, VMware, and Alibaba.

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Photo credit to Jiayun Zou.


My research is at the intersection of hardware and software. I am interested in improving the programmability, reliability, debuggability, and deployability of heterogeneous systems by building systems support such as hypervisors, compilers, debuggers, and runtimes. I am also interested in system virtualization and software-hardware co-design.

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不会 Web 前端、不会 Web 后端、不会写 APP、不会机器学习。略懂 C,不会写 C++。会一些 Verilog,略懂虚拟化和操作系统,熟练掌握 Qemu/KVM 的安装和卸载。写过一些论文,在硬件的系统支持和可靠性上做过一些微小的工作。

moyu.socialcsstipendrankings.org 的主要维护者。
